Hello Sun,
On 6/16/15 12:30 PM, Sun wrote:
> Thanks for writing this up. I learned about the netiquette by lurking
> over the mailing list and analysing the way other people wrote their
> mails. It took me quite some time to be confident enough when writing an
> emails. This post will help others get up to speed in a short amount of
> time. One request, perhaps there is one more thing that you could add to
> this article: "How to reference", or "Referencing Styles".
I added a section about "citation". Some people send emails in HTML
format. The citation & quoting styles refer to plain text emails. When
copying & pasting some symbols & text in HTML formatted emails, the
recipient might get unnecessary spaces or indents.
> I also posted this message as a comment on the blog post. Not sure if
> that's proper netiquette!
Your comment on the blog could increase my visibility in search engine
results :-) Thank you.
​Ish Sookun
- Geek by birth, Linux by choice.
- I blog at HACKLOG.in.
https://twitter.com/IshSookun ^^ Do you tweet?
Received on Tue Jun 16 2015 - 13:02:38 PST