Re: Notes of meeting of the Multistakeholder Forum

From: Sun <>
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2015 13:11:14 +0400

Hello all,

I see that a representative of the MIU is not allowed to share information
about what happened in the Multi-stakeholder forum to the MIU. The first
question that I would like to ask is, Why is those information being made
confidential? If those information are released, would it harm the mission
of the multi-stakeholder forum which I believe the mission is to take
control of .mu

Also, is sharing the information that, you cannot share information about
the meeting, infringing their request to not share any information about
the meeting?

Thanks and Regards,

*RAMGOLAM Sandeep*

*Front-end Developer - Designer - Web Enthusiast - Gamer**Website :* <>

On 14 June 2015 at 00:30, S Moonesamy <> wrote:

> Hi Ish,
> At 10:49 13-06-2015, Ish Sookun wrote:
>> I understand you but it appears that if I share the exact notes of the
>> meeting people from the multi-stakeholder forum would not hesitate to sue
>> me. We're in Mauritius and definitions change here. Transparency at an
>> international level and transparency in Mauritius might not mean the same.
> From
> "Public Officers shall understand that, while
> discharging their duties, they are doing no favour to
> members of the public. They shall diligently, fairly
> and sympathetically attend to inquiries from
> members of the public.
> It is the duty of Public Officers to give to the public
> any information required or advice and to provide
> reasonable assistance. Public Officers shall help the
> public to understand their rights and obligations."
> Is the problem that the rights and obligations of the representatives of
> the Mauritius Internet Users are not clear? Are we public officers or are
> we part of members of the public?
> Are we acting in bad faith by disclosing information to our members so as
> to promote open discussion with them and get their consensus on the
> decisions to be taken?
> Regards,
> S. Moonesamy
Received on Sun Jun 14 2015 - 09:11:47 PST

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