Orange Facebook

From: kritesh sunghoon <>
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2015 09:02:04 +0400

Hello All,

I would thankful if someone can explain me how the facebook illimité works.
Is there any URL filtering?

If yes,
can i view a facebook video without having my credit balance lowered?

can i view a youtube video posted on facebook without having my credit
balance lowered?

Now let's assume i've a balance 0.00 and i want to access facebook through
my mobile browser.

1st way:

open browser--GET--> for m.facebook-->
...which i suppose will fail(correct me if i'm wrong).

2nd way:

let's say we have bookmarked the m.facebook page

open browser-->select facebook--GET-->m.facebook ...i supposed this one
also will fail.

What i can conclude is that, at the end of the day we do need credit
balance to access the m.facebook page. If we don't have the necessary
amount, we won't be able to access the page, it will always fail before
retrieving the login page.

Am i right?

Sunghoon Kritesh
*"Sky is the limit", huh**? *
*There is nothing like "limit", it's just a word used by someone, who don't
want you to surpass him or her.*
Received on Sun Jun 14 2015 - 05:02:19 PST

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