Hi SM,
On 6/11/15 2:56 AM, S Moonesamy wrote:
> I am writing to you as you are leading the Mauritius Internet Users.
> The quality of the emails sent to the mailing list is poor as the
> sentences do not look like they are written in English. Some opinions
> are not based on facts and may convey misleading information.
I have been on other mailing lists where I have seen people writing
non-understandable messages as their English isn't commonly used in
their country. I do not think Mauritius should be having such a problem
in practice since we are taught English & French since kindergarten.
Well, I repeat, I said "in practice".
> I understand the local context and the way English is understood on the
> island. People may be used to a writing short messages on Facebook
> instead of writing a formal message. It is an embarrassment to be part
> of a group which cannot write a message in English. It is a problem
> for me to be on a mailing list on which people provide misleading
> information in formal messages.
The culture of SMS and social networks has indeed left a trend of
writing one liners. I understand your discomfort when you are putting
energy & time into something while someone else comes and spoils it.
I totally agree on the embarrassment part.
Shelly, I would be of opinion to set down a rule that prohibits the use
of non-understandable "English" and using proper references when writing
about "facts".
​Ish Sookun
- Geek by birth, Linux by choice.
- I blog at HACKLOG.in.
https://twitter.com/IshSookun ^^ Do you tweet?
Received on Thu Jun 11 2015 - 03:37:19 PST