Re: Workshop on Open Data Readiness Assessment

From: Dhiruj Rambaran <>
Date: Mon, 08 Jun 2015 23:30:40 +0400

I would also add that there is a 'geek culture' in, albeit, a few small
private companies too :) (think "Garage Startups").


On 08/06/2015 22:50, Ish Sookun wrote:
> Hi Shelly,
> On 6/8/15 10:36 PM, Shelly Hermia Bhujun wrote:
>> I would like thank you for being our representative and for sharing the
>> minutes of meeting. I would appreciate if others could add their
>> observations as well. I know that some of our members were present at
>> the workshop even though they were not representing the MIU. I
>> appreciate the fact that these people showed interest and participated
>> in the workshop. I think it's high time for the Ministry to look for
>> qualified people in Mauritius instead of looking for foreign experts.
>> There was a comment that there were no geeks in Mauritius. There were
>> actually some geeks present today.
> Yes, someone commented that for the projects that the World Bank team
> presented to actually happen in Mauritius, there needs to be a geek
> culture first. I would not blame the person for not knowing about the
> Linux User Group of Mauritius, the Mauritius Internet Users, the
> Mauritius Software Craftsmanship Community, the various Linuxfests,
> Ubuntu Global Jams, the Developers Conference, the Corsair Hackers
> Reboot.
> Regards,
Received on Mon Jun 08 2015 - 19:31:12 PST

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