Re: Workshop on Open Data Readiness Assessment

From: Ish Sookun <>
Date: Mon, 08 Jun 2015 22:50:02 +0400

Hi Shelly,

On 6/8/15 10:36 PM, Shelly Hermia Bhujun wrote:
> I would like thank you for being our representative and for sharing the
> minutes of meeting. I would appreciate if others could add their
> observations as well. I know that some of our members were present at
> the workshop even though they were not representing the MIU. I
> appreciate the fact that these people showed interest and participated
> in the workshop. I think it's high time for the Ministry to look for
> qualified people in Mauritius instead of looking for foreign experts.
> There was a comment that there were no geeks in Mauritius. There were
> actually some geeks present today.

Yes, someone commented that for the projects that the World Bank team
presented to actually happen in Mauritius, there needs to be a geek
culture first. I would not blame the person for not knowing about the
Linux User Group of Mauritius, the Mauritius Internet Users, the
Mauritius Software Craftsmanship Community, the various Linuxfests,
Ubuntu Global Jams, the Developers Conference, the Corsair Hackers Reboot.


​Ish Sookun
- Geek by birth, Linux by choice.
- I blog at ^^ Do you tweet?
Received on Mon Jun 08 2015 - 18:50:21 PST

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