Re: 2015 SCJ 177

From: S Moonesamy <>
Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2015 13:50:23 -0700

Hi Ish,
At 12:18 04-06-2015, Ish Sookun wrote:
>Unfortunately, I could not ever find technical specs of such
>fingerprint readers. Let's take it this way, will there be a
>difference between the reader used by a hospital and that used by an
>insurance company? I have said in the past

There would not be a difference in the reader used by a hospital and
one used by an insurance company.

>You mean to say the mentioned services cannot exist with biometrics?

No. It is not possible for me to say whether the services can exist
or not without analyzing the problems. Some of the problems are
outside my area of expertise. There are also some questions related
to privacy which are much more difficult to answer as some legal
aspects are unclear.

>Is the missing privacy policy on this government owned website a minor issue?

It is not even an issue as nobody has complained about it.

S. Moonesamy
Received on Thu Jun 04 2015 - 20:50:43 PST

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