Re: Open Government Data - World Bank Readiness Assessment

From: Daniel Laeng <>
Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2015 15:31:08 +0400

Hi SM,

Nicely put!

Some suggestions:

> (c) The copyright, as currently used by government agencies, is
> incorrect.
> We are in favour of a copyright for the State of Mauritius. The
> current
> license for data is also incorrect.
It isn't clear to me what you mean, because I don't know what current
copyright, or license is used. (And I'd imagine different agencies do
different things).

I'm guessing you are saying that the copyright of data is currently
assigned to the government agencies, rather than the State of
Mauritius? Is that right? If so, a more explicit wording would be:

/The rights to all data collected by government agencies should be
assigned to the State of Mauritius, rather than the government or agencies/.

> (d) Open Data in mauritius is inexistent.
> I could not find any data which adheres to the Open Data
> principles.

Ouch - brutal honesty.

BTW, I'd use the word "non-existent" rather than "inexistent"
("inexistent" isn't used much in English any more)

Finally, I can think of one point which is currently missing, which I
think is relevant (but possibly controversial):

/(f) All data collected by the government of Mauritius, should be
considered Open by default//
//Data collected by the government of Mauritius should be released back
to the taxpayers who paid for the collection. This should be the
default position, and exceptions should be made on a case by case basis
for sensitive data that can't be released (due to national security,
privacy, or other reasons)./



Daniel Laeng
Software Developer
+230 5775 1037
Received on Thu Jun 04 2015 - 11:31:27 PST

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