Open Government Data - World Bank Readiness Assessment

From: S Moonesamy <>
Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 09:25:03 -0700

Hi Daniel,
At 04:22 29-05-2015, Daniel Laeng wrote:
>5. What guarantees do we have that any data will actually be released?
>- There was a similar initiative in 2012 (See Open Government
>Initiatives presentation)
>- It is not clear if any data was actually released as a result of
>the 2012 initiative
>- Why will this initiative be any different?
>I would like to avoid arguments on technologies, and focus on what
>they will deliver, and when it will be delivered.

I agree about avoiding arguments on technology and to focus on delivery.

Mauritius is not listed in the global index [1] for Open Data. The
2012 initiative did not achieve any results. I looked at the ranking
from another organisation. Mauritius was 54th; it went down by 12
compared to the previous year. According to Mr R. Hawabhay, Acting
Director, Central Informatics Bureau, "one notable effort with
respect to open data in terms of civil society and government
collaboration in that the Statistics Mauritius has developed an open
data portal on Prognoz platform with the assistance of a donor
partner". There hasn't been any "civil society and government
collaboration". The ranking given to Mauritius was inflated as it
was based on Powerpoint presentations instead of facts.

The position of the Mauritius Internet users will be to ask, or to
actively support you if you ask, the above questions. In addition, I
may ask whether there has been any collaboration between civil
society and government.

S. Moonesamy

1. It currently has 97 entries.
Received on Fri May 29 2015 - 16:44:13 PST

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