Re: Improved the internet in our region (was: Representative)

From: Loganaden Velvindron <>
Date: Sun, 24 May 2015 17:21:55 +0000

On Sun, May 24, 2015 at 4:42 PM, S Moonesamy <> wrote:
> Hi Logan,

> The average round-trip to takes 173.075 ms when tested on BSD.
> I did the same test on Windows and it took 173 ms. The high latency is
> because Mauritius is an island lost in the Indian Ocean. I do not believe
> that it is possible to fix that by making improvements at the Linux kernel
> level even if that work is sponsored by Google. During a conference I
> mentioned that it is not possible to move the island.

I still agree that the latency needs to be improved badly along with
the bandwidth.

However, my point is that we cannot let the Internet protocols evolve
based only on feedback from US and EU countries. As a "cyber island",
we have to get our voices heard out there regarding how changes that
they make to protocols affect us here. That's the point I'm trying to
make here :)
Received on Sun May 24 2015 - 17:22:08 PST

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