Hi Shelly, SM,
I'd like to point out that the exhibition is the same every year. And I
have noticed that the number of people visiting the Infotech is also
On 17 May 2015 22:25, "Shelly Hermia Bhujun" <shelly_hermia_at_hotmail.com>
> Hello SM,
> > In my opinion there isn't any good government web site in Mauritius.
> I would like to know how much money was spent for designing the Government
> websites.
> > The IT sector is mainly about outsourcing. I doubt that anyone outside
> Mauritius would list Call Centres and web agencies as a significant part of
> the technology sector. I am not aware of technology products made in
> Mauritius.
> Okay.
> > There are people from outside Mauritius who attend the event. I have not
> heard any of them complaining about the event.
> Maybe they did but the organizing committee didn't take their feedbacks
> and suggestions seriously. You never know! I read some of the response we
> got after expressing our views on topics and apparently what they want is
> for us to shut up. Maybe that's the culture they want to establish in our
> country but to be sincere i think its a pity to think like that. They
> create shameful websites and organize such events to bring the Mauritian
> level down. They have the audacity to expect free consultancy from
> Mauritians but pay foreign experts for advice?
> I think everything is connected. They want to promote Mauritius as a smart
> Island, they want to produce great leaders and people with great skills but
> they don't trust the citizens when they express their opinion.
> > The event has been held since 1990. It might be organised because there
> is usually such an event every year. The objective is probably to sell
> products to consumers. It is not the type of event where I would expect to
> see something innovative.
> Whats the use of organizing an event just to showoff that they have money
> and can contact companies etc? Why don't they use that money for better
> investment?! There are so many talented Mauritians!
> This is a list where few were mentioned:
> http://leverlepep.blogspot.com/2012/10/famous-mauritians-internationally.html
> I don't know about you but sometimes it feels like the 'progress' they
> talk about is just an illusion.
> Regards.
Received on Sun May 17 2015 - 19:18:49 PST