I just visited the 1010.mu site, found it's not working and came here to
"be the first to report this".. only to find everyone knew about it
before I did.
I find it a bit.. how shall I say... "disappointing" maybe?.. to be an
"Emtel" and yet, as someone said here, it's hosted on Microsoft Azure
and not on their own datacentres. I mean this is surprising as they have
their own centres. That's like saying "i'm crap but my competitor is
better.. so I shall go host on my competitor instead but, by the way,
i'm way better than my competitor".
Well.. to quote an article written in Le Defi, it says:
"Emtel propose son propre service de dématérialisation informatique
(cloud computing) pour les particuliers et les Petites et moyennes
entreprises (PME). Nommé 1010.mu, il comporte un service de création et
d’hébergement de sites internet, un service de messagerie email et un
système de sauvegarde (backup) en ligne. ".....
it follows by....
"Sham Roy ajoute que ce qui différencie 1010.mu des services de cloud de
grandes firmes comme Google, c’est le support technique apporté par
téléphone ou en personne en cas de problème."
Now on their 1010.mu website it says......
"We use the most modern equipment to ensure the best experience.."
Well... I have a question for my fellow geeks....
Shoponline does the following:
1) Gives a Retail E-Commerce Website, made available to all mauritian
2) It has Facebook share features, online chat etc.. including an upload
interface for uploading products.
3) It caters for unlimited product categories and unlimited number of
products (even if you have 1000 category of products and 1 million products)
4) It costs Rs 5000 in setup fees and, after 12 months, it costs Rs 300
a month.
5) It's ALL hosted on Microsoft Azure Cloud... and we don't mind
"supporting" you by phone or even in person!
So.. my question is this....
Can I also make the claim... "...ce qui différencie Shoponline.mu des
services de cloud de grandes firmes comme Google, c’est le support
technique apporté par téléphone ou en personne en cas de problème."...
and can I also say... "Shoponline propose son propre service de
dématérialisation informatique (cloud computing) pour les particuliers
et les Petites et moyennes entreprises (PME). Nommé Shoponline.mu, il
comporte un service de création et d’hébergement de sites internet (full
retail e-commerce), un service de "chat" et un système de sauvegarde
(backup) en ligne (through geo-replication) " ?
I await your esteemed replies folks!
Dhiruj Rambaran
On 16/05/2015 12:34, S Moonesamy wrote:
> Hi Benoit,
> At 00:44 16-05-2015, Benoit Gentil wrote:
>> Emtel launched its cloud service yesterday 1010.mu. There is an
>> article about it in today l'express and their website is currently
>> not loading. It seems that their cloud cannot handle traffic surge.
> The web site loaded in my browser. However, I found the web site
> quite slow. The server status is viewable at
> https://portal.1010.mu/serverstatus.php (login required).
>> In the article they even says that the emtel cloud is 100% secure and
>> beats Google and Microsoft in terms of security.
> I took a look at the 1010.mu It is hosted on the Microsoft Azure
> Cloud service. The latency is approximately 317 ms. How can a
> "cloud" built on the Microsoft Azure Cloud service beat Microsoft in
> terms of security? Can the claim that the Emtel cloud is 100% secure
> be proven?
> The latency for fodytechnologies.com is 249 ms. Why is
> fodytechnologies.com beating 1010.mu in terms of latency?
> Regards,
> S. Moonesamy
Received on Sat May 16 2015 - 21:52:44 PST