> From the l'express article
> <http://www.lexpress.mu/idee/262499/lets-make-smart-mauritius-together-people-people>:
> "À l’île de la Réunion, l’Internet haut débit à 50 Mbps se vend à Rs 1
> 000. À Madagascar, l’Internet à 8 Mbps incluant la téléphonie est à Rs 1
> 400."
I seriously would like to know why the price of residential internet access
expensive. Currently I have an orange ADSL home
http://www.orange.mu/internet/adsl-home.php> of 2mbps priced at Rs 1,349.
2mbps is not enough for my household. I cannot make the switch to 4mbps
because of its pricing and I cannot find any other ISPs offering 2mbps at
said price.
S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com> wrote:
Is there really eight internet service providers in Mauritius? This is the
> list of ISP licences [1] for Mauritius:
> Anglo African Telecommunications Ltd
> Bharat Telecom Ltd
> Cellplus Mobile Communications Ltd
> City Call Ltd.
> Data Communications Ltd.
> Enterprise Data Services Ltd
> Enterprise Information Solutions Ltd.
> Emtel Ltd.
> I-Telecom Ltd
> Kaldera
> Les Relais Ltd.
> Mahanagar Telephone (Mauritius) Ltd.
> Mauritius Computing Services
> Mauritius Telecom
> MFDC Ltd.
> Telecom Plus
We have 8 ISPs? I haven't heard anything about most of those listed nor
seen any sort of adverts about these companies on internet access.
Is the consumer market competitive? Which ISPs sell internet access for
> residential customers?
afaik there is a huge telecommunications monopoly in Mauritius. Having 8
companies with ISP licenses doesn't mean anything if they are not
Some months back I didn't have internet access at my place.
I tried emtel for 2 weeks; the speed was great but the data was capped and
the bill was becoming too expensive.
I had to settle for Orange's adsl since it is the *only *ISP I know of
offering unlimited internet access at 2mbps.
As an consumer, I would like to be able *to let go of one ISP* if I find
its internet access not up to my taste, and* get hold of another ISP*
offering the same internet access speed at a competitive price.
I would volunteer to help you with your ISP problem. I cannot do anything
> about the rest of the country as the people in those areas do not have any
> ISP problem.
I would like to help too up to the best of my abilities (though I don't
know what needs to be done but ready to learn). Aside Ish, I too have an
ISP problem; I find the lack of competitive ISPs disturbing.
Received on Thu May 14 2015 - 15:39:45 PST