Hi again every one,
No loading issue at all for this website's pages on my side. Concerning
Wix, I can't understand why it is being so popular at the moment. I saw the
back-office only once and didn't like it at all ! For a long time, Wix
websites could not be ripped; I don't know if it has changed. Beside,
though I believe they've done some improvement in terms of SEO and metatags
management, it is certainly not the best platform for search engine
optimization and you can't customize URLs...
Have a great week-end,
Best regards,
*Amaƫlle** Lamusse,*
[image: ACI-New-logo]
*ACI.ADN de la Communication Informatique Ltee.*
610, Saint James Court,
35 St Denis,
Port Louis,
Ile Maurice.
*Mobile: *+230 5 4930322 <%2B230%2054930322>
*Email:* aci.adn_at_hotmail.com
Received on Fri May 08 2015 - 12:07:31 PST