On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 12:48 PM, Mohammad Nadim <nadim.attari_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> This may not be really related to Internet in Mauritius, but may be
> indirectly related (since it's for a software/script that some application
> may use on the internet).
> Previous versions of Redactor-JS (from Imperavi) were released under MIT/GPL
> license. Now newer versions need to be bought. See
> http://imperavi.com/redactor/download/
> Question:
> Can I still use the older versions (that were released under MIT/GPL
> license) or I need to buy a license? Note that older versions are not
> available online now. Earlier in 2013, I downloaded MIT/GPL versions of the
> script.
Hi Nadim, Nothing prevents you from using the old version. The old
version that you used at the time, which carries the old MIT/GPL
license, is still valid.
You can also legally post the old version on the internet, and invite
others to download it under the old MIT/GPL license.
> Best regards,
> Nadim Attari
Received on Fri May 01 2015 - 12:54:27 PST