Broadband internet

From: Appadoo Dave <>
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2015 15:12:32 +0000

Hello people
I recently read an article
the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) changing the definition of the
broadband internet connection. Here
<>is a report,
from the FCC, in which the deployment of broadband failling to keep pace
with the current HD digital media is mentioned. The previous standard for
broadband was 4mbps/1mbps [down/up] and the current standard set to
25mbps/3mbps [down/up] in the U.S.
A quick google search yielded this ICTA National Broadband Policy 2012-2020
<> document.
In this document section 2.5.9, broadband internet in 2002 is referred to
as "an internet connectivity of at least 256 kbps". In section 13, a
broadband concept of 1mbps/256kbps [down/up] is introduced. This is to
ensure availability with an 'acceptable' quality of service, shortly
followed by this concept considered to be "aggressive".
One small note: I am not referring to the local connection but to the
internet access.
Mauritius being the "Cyber" island it is currently, isn't it time to revise
the broadband definition? What are your thoughts?
Received on Wed Apr 29 2015 - 15:12:48 PST

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