RE: Comparing ADSL Home and MyT

From: S Moonesamy <>
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2015 23:35:45 -0700

Dear Ms Jugoo,
At 00:03 22-04-2015, contact wrote:
>Further to various customer suggestions to provide faster broadband
>speeds and their concerns for a reasonable pricing, My.T FTTH offers
>have been developed to provide higher broadband speed with volume
>capping at the same price as current My.T offers. To note, unlimited
>My.T FTTH is also available at a higher price.
>However, kindly note that our My.T and My.T FTTH are two different
>offers and cannot be compared. My.T FTTH is based on fibre
>technology and thus enables our customers to enjoy higher broadband speed.

I am puzzled about the comment from Mauritius Telecom which says that
the two offers cannot be compared. As a consumer I would like to
compare the different Internet Service Providers offers to determine
which one is the best offer.

The web page at describes the offers as
"My.T". There isn't any "My.T FTTH" on that web page. According to
the technical specifications for FTTH, fiber technology can provide a
maximum data transfer speed of one Gigabits per second. I don't
understand how Mauritius Telecom expects its customers to enjoy fibre
technology when the higher broadband speed is, in my humble opinion,
not even close to the speed which fiber technology can attain.

>Also the calculation in the mail below is based on the assumption
>that the downloads are effected at the highest attainable speed all
>throughout the month which is not always true in real life
>situation. Broadband offers like My.T or ADSL are best effort
>services and consequently download speed cannot be guaranteed.

 From Mauritius Telecom's reply, I understand that My.T or ADSL are
best effort services and that it is not be possible for a residential
customer to know what he or she is paying for.

According to GN No. 72 of 2014, every public operator shall, at all
material times:

   "meet the minimum requirements for quality of service specified in
such directives
    as the Authority may issue"

Are the My.T (including FTTH) and ADSL offers compliant with the above?

S. Moonesamy
Received on Fri Apr 24 2015 - 06:36:17 PST

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