On Sun, Apr 19, 2015 at 6:42 AM, S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com> wrote:
> Hi Logan,
> At 22:53 18-04-2015, Loganaden Velvindron wrote:
>> For en e-commerce website, where there are many at least 2
>> transactions every minute, there is loss of money.
> I wrote about the internet in Mauritius. Which e-commerce web site is there
> doing two transactions a minute?
I don't know of any of them in Mauritius. That specific case was one in France.
>> That's a complex issue: On one end the customer is looking for the
>> lowest price, and on the other end, when the customer gets hacked,
>> he's angry. Experience shows that as web frameworks become complex, it
>> difficult for a single solution provider to give a warranty. I don't
>> know of any web agency who would provide warranty over a CMS, unless
>> they wrote their own CMS, and went through a strong audit process of
>> their code.
> If you wish to follow the above-mentioned experience you will be competing
> with people offering web sites for Rs 6000. The skills required to create
> such a web site is low. Would you be able to compete in such a market?
I'm not interested in competing in race-to-the-bottom:
(URL about consequences :
> The above argues that it is not possible to do anything as web frameworks
> are complex. I gather that we should stop talking about security on this
> mailing list as the problem cannot be solved.
The problem can be solved, if the clients start realising that they
need "security" in the quotes they are looking for. Clients can start
by asking, "I want a website, and I also want a security contract with
it: I want you to let me know about updates, and we can schedule
security update windows".
In my view, the Internet has exploded in Mauritius. However, as you
(and ish) have demonstrated recently, there are security problems with
various websites, and that renders a lot of those websites useless.
Who would visit a compromised website ? My bet is none.
> Regards,
> S. Moonesamy
Received on Sun Apr 19 2015 - 07:00:52 PST