Hard to reply to everyone but I will try to reply in one email :)
I was not part of the Webcup edition 2013 but i can assure you that the
first thing i did when joining the web cup team in 2014 was go go through
all the blog post I could find regarding the 2013 edition and advise the
team on what could be improve.
I think that edition 2014 was better but am sure there are areas were we
can still improve. I know that edition 2013 was a bit of a mess as it was
the first international edition ever.
I dont agree that Webcup is only about money and sponsors it is for the
young web dev who want to demonstrate their skills, don't misunderstand
what am saying It is not a hackaton it is another type of competition but i
can tell you for sure that creating a something and pitching your project
in front of judges is a skill that many developers need to grow for their
Regarding security and the choices of the theme, well there is not much we
can do about it here in Mauritius but I will forward your comments.
Regarding ICT.IO article on cloud computing well thank you for reading our
website and If you have a website that is generating money online ! well
good for you :) it is hard to achieved this in Mauritius trust me ! you
should first say thank you to your web agencies as they did a good job and
provided you with a website that is converting visits into sales ! then
don't shout at them but reinvest some of that money you made to enhance
security on your website and it will be just fine for you.
Cheers guys,
e: vincent_at_pongosoft.com
m: +230 52520766
On 10 April 2015 at 09:27, Ish Sookun <ish_at_hacklog.in> wrote:
> Hello Vincent,
> On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 12:50 AM, vincent pollet <vincent_at_pongosoft.com>
> wrote:
>> I am actually one of the admin for Webcup Mauritius website. You guys are
>> right it is a wordpress and the choice of the theme can always be discussed
>> but at the end of the day it is not really our choice .... The website is
>> managed by the team in la Reunion and other countries like us do not have
>> full admin access. Which is normal as the competition is not only in
>> Mauritius but in Indian Ocean so it need to be centralized somehow and to
>> satisfy everyone.
> Thanks for informing you're an admin for WebCup MRU website
> :-)
> However, I don't think that one needs to have full admin access to push
> recommendations upward.
>> Webcup registration will be officially launched on Monday in Port Louis
>> and regarding security issues well... you guys should know better than
>> other that 100% security does not exist in our sector :)
> As per the press communiqué[1], registration starts 30 March 2015.
> I did not mention 100% security but I would expect a minimum that shall
> avoid this[2], this[3] and that[4]. Concerned with the rising attack on
> "easy deployments" of WordPress even FBI released recommendations[5].
>> I also want to share with you that the core organization team of the
>> Webcup is composed of 4 voluntary workers only to organize an event in
>> coordination with Reunion,Mayotte,Comoros Madagascar and Seychelles...
>> If you think that something is not rightly done, well we will be happy to
>> receive your assistance ! at the end of the day we are not paid for doing
>> this and it is the community that is benefiting of it so let me know if you
>> guys are ready to help :)
> If companies are putting logos without any financial help, then I suggest
> removing their logos next time. I am not a full-time web developer but I am
> a full-time user who can recommend suggestions about some UX/UI.
> Server-side I can do tweaking :-)
>> Lastly regarding web agency installing only a purchased theme and a logo
>> you can imagine that when a client is asking for a 10 000 MUR website he
>> gets what he pays for. Quality cost money obviously and many agencies are
>> lowering down the prices on the local market because clients are simply not
>> ready to pay. It will change one day maybe but you have now the situation
>> where good agencies prefer to sell abroad than to work for peanuts on the
>> local market... that is sad but mentally are evolving and I think it will
>> be better in a near future
> If I tell a customer for Rs 10K I am going to :
> i) Give you a .com for 1 year
> ii) Host your website for 1 year
> iii) Configure your webserver
> iv) Apply regular patches on your webserver for 1 year
> v) Install WordPress and maintain it for 1 year
> vi) Design WordPress theme
> ... then I am wrong.
> I need to make it clear to a customer that my expertise lies server-side.
> I do not design webpages. I'll charge only for what I can do but not try
> doing other stuffs that is not really in my field and latter tell a
> customer, well you got what you paid for. A customer asks for a good
> product at a low price without understanding anything about the product.
> The proper education needs to be done by the WebDev :-)
> Now, still if I want to satisfy 100K customers with full-fledged security
> in WordPress at just Rs 10K each, it can happen. Oops! I just can't write
> it here otherwise I'll again be caught doing free consultancy.
> [1]
> http://maurice.webcup.fr/espace-presse/communique-de-presse-lancement-de-la-3eme-webcup-de-loceanindien-les-23-et-24-mai-2015
> [2] http://hacklog.in/hacked-dont-call-cert-mu/
> [3] http://hacklog.in/are-mauritian-websites-secure
> [4] http://hacklog.in/chili-mu-compromised
> [5] http://www.ic3.gov/media/2015/150407-1.aspx
> Cheers,
> --
> Ish Sookun
> - Geek by birth, Linux by choice.
> - I blog at HACKLOG.in.
> https://twitter.com/IshSookun ^^ Do you tweet?
Received on Fri Apr 10 2015 - 06:59:15 PST