From: Shelly Hermia Bhujun <>
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2015 20:17:13 +0400

Yes i understand. Thank you SM.

> Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2015 09:11:47 -0700
> To:;
> From:
> Subject: RE: MIU
> Hi Shelly,
> At 06:31 09-04-2015, Shelly Hermia Bhujun wrote:
> > opinion- FB is different. The audience and the approach
> >to the content or topics being discussed would be mostly shared or
> >'liked' and i don't think that it's a culture you would like or i
> >don't think that it was your objective. FB is a platform where
> >people would just click on 'like' for almost anything without really
> >paying attention. The number of likes wouldn't necessary mean that
> >the message is being delivered or we're creating awareness or stuff.
> >The message would still be read by people who really care about
> >what's being said. So, maybe that would leave us with the same
> >number of people interacting on the mailing list right now.
> >And...... this is why we're on the mailing list? :S or.. the mailing
> >list is better because you know who's subscribing.. and there's more
> >control... you can easily unsubscribe any person who would be rude
> >or say something irrelevant or whatever...
> >
> >So... that's one of the reason why i think MIU is not on FB... :S
> Most of the internet users in Mauritius are on Facebook. The usual
> approach in Mauritius is to be on Facebook. We used a mailing list
> is because it is a standard at the international level for
> internet-related discussions. The idea was to keep to that standard
> or else the people in Mauritius interested in the internet would be
> at a disadvantage in future. There are other reasons, e.g. a person
> interested in the group could be blocked by Facebook and he or she
> would no longer be able to participate, or Facebook could block the
> group; the group would have to accept other rules instead of deciding
> on its own rules.
> It is not up to me to control what people can say or how they
> behave. I don't unsubscribe a person unless I receive a complaint
> with a good explanation about the problem the person has caused.
> The audience and the approach is, as you mentioned, different on
> Facebook. If we were to take decisions based on "likes" we would be
> deciding based on popularity instead of thinking about whether it is
> a good decision. I do notice when a person on the mailing list
> ignores a question which is being asked; it's not because the person is busy.
> Regards,
> S. Moonesamy
Received on Thu Apr 09 2015 - 16:17:26 PST

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