Hi Nadim,
Being able to get SkySports would be amazing. Trying that right now. Thanks
for sharing Nadim. By the way, what's your internet speed, and how is the
stream quality compared to web streaming sites such as p2p4u.net ?
Thanks and Regards,
*RAMGOLAM Sandeep*
*Front-end Developer - Designer - Web Enthusiast - Gamer**Website :*
barfii.net <
On 2 April 2015 at 20:38, S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com> wrote:
> Hi Nadim,
> At 07:35 02-04-2015, Mohammad Nadim wrote:
>> Thanks for the info. BTW, where should we look for to get these info (no
>> local restriction, etc.) - it will help us to do some research instead of
>> just asking here.
> I suggest reading the software licenses and the documents at
> https://www.icta.mu/laws/ict_laws.htm
> Regards,
> S. Moonesamy
Received on Fri Apr 03 2015 - 09:38:17 PST