Hi Ish,
At 01:22 29-03-2015, Ish Sookun wrote:
>Something intrigued me about the article. The following line states
>that the item was published on "Thursday".
>Paru jeudi sur le portail denonciateur...
>That's wrong. I only wrote about the cable on Thursday but the same
>was published on WikiLeaks years ago. It seems to me the journalist
>went through my blog article[2] a bit in a rush :-) Oh by the way,
>we need to improve the culture of citing sources and giving credit where due.
The journalist may have read the first twenty characters of your blog
article to understand what you wrote. :-)
In Mauritius, there isn't a culture of giving credit where credit is
due [1]. You wrote that blog article on Thursday. The journalist is
probably referring to your blog as "le portail denonciateur". The
lack of citation to the source of the information raises questions
about whether the news web site stole your work.
S. Moonesamy
Received on Sun Mar 29 2015 - 09:26:06 PST