Hello again
My message might have been misread by some.
I meant to simply state that in order to not have an earlier incident where
a member left the mailing list furiously (not pointing fingers but the
message was between logan again) repeat itself.
It would be to everyones best interest to keep emotions out when replying
to messages. And not to take things too personally.
Please be responsible.
Thank you and regards
On Mar 27, 2015 4:18 PM, "Mohammad Nadim" <nadim.attari_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Beach Samurai,
> I think you don't know who Jochen Kirstatter is, do you ?
> And anyone who has personal problems with somebody, please write him/her a
> direct message instead of ranting on this mailing list, please.
> Regards,
> Nadim Attari
> On 27 March 2015 at 15:36, Beach Samurai <beach.samurai_at_gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Last time there was that dude who said he came from google.com now its
>> Mr Kirstatter.
>> Please learn some manners in the mailing-list so others can appreciate a
>> good conversation.
>> Kind Regards
>> On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 3:25 PM, Loganaden Velvindron <
>> loganaden_at_gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 2:21 PM, Jochen Kirstätter
>>> <mscc_at_kirstaetter.name> wrote:
>>> > Hi Logan,
>>> >
>>> > Sorry that this conversation drifts away from being emotion-free.
>>> > Unfortunately, the topic is very intensive and lacks some objective
>>> > argumentation.
>>> >
>>> > I'd be happy to have your less emotion-driven point of view to my
>>> questions.
>>> >
>>> > [Owning multiple domains]
>>> > As I'm owning, registering and managing several domains for various
>>> clients
>>> > I have to deal with multiple TLD registrars and even though my
>>> experience is
>>> > surely not representative compared to others I would like to share my
>>> > experience. The registration as well as the renewal process has been
>>> very
>>> > easy with all them, the price information and structure was clearly
>>> > communicated in all cases and the DNS records for those domains could
>>> be
>>> > managed within shortest time. I'm referring to these TLDs:
>>> >
>>> > .mu
>>> > .de
>>> > .com
>>> > .net
>>> > .org
>>> Why is .mu the only one not DNSSEC-signed ? Why can't I get DNSSEC
>>> protection despite having a DNSSEC-aware resolver at home/work when I
>>> want to do online transaction with ib.mcb.mu ?
>>> Sure the service can be bought, but that does NOT solve the underlying
>>> problem of arbitrary price fixing that the registrars experience, the
>>> screw up of gov.mu by asking for huge amount of arbitrary money, and
>>> the multiple outages of the .mu ccTLD DNS services, that SM documented
>>> extensively. You ignored SM's work. You decided to focus only on this
>>> small part, and CLAIM that everything is good with .mu.
>>> technically speaking, .mu is very weak, and is NOT aligned with Best
>>> Practices.
>>> > .name
>>> >
>>> > Only exception was the very first attempt for .mu as the payment had
>>> to be
>>> > done by bank transfer, and therefore took some days more compared to
>>> the
>>> > other ones. Apart from that, no obstacles.
>>> >
>>> > [Racism]
>>> > I'm not going to comment further on this one, except that is makes me
>>> sad to
>>> > have this kind of reaction from you.
>>> My previous message was not meant to be racist, and I apologise if it
>>> hurts you. Rather, it was meant to illustrate an example. Since I was
>>> 14 years old, the problem of the .mu ccTLD management was present.
>>> This is a problem that negatively impacted (and still impacts)
>>> Mauritius.
>>> We have had foreign consultants who came and left, and claimed that
>>> they will solve the problem. This hasn't happen. The problem is still
>>> here today.
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Kind regards, Jochen
>>> >
>>> > Founder of Mauritius Software Craftsmanship Community
>>> > http://www.meetup.com/MauritiusSoftwareCraftsmanshipCommunity/
>>> --
>>> This message is strictly personal and the opinions expressed do not
>>> represent those of my employers, either past or present.
Received on Fri Mar 27 2015 - 15:41:26 PST