On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 12:18 PM, Jochen Kirstätter
<mscc_at_kirstaetter.name> wrote:
> Hi Logan,
> On 27/03/2015 12:07, Loganaden Velvindron wrote:
> And who was managing gov.mu ? wasn't that the .mu ccTLD manger ? Who pulled
> the plug on the gov.mu ? Again, the .mu ccTLD manager !
> True.
> Let me ask you several things:
> Why wasn't and still isn't the government, ie. Prime Minister's Office, the
> official Owner of the domain?
> Why were those domains not paid on time? Since years?
When you ask 80 million one day, and the next day you ask for Rs 800
million, then we have a problem.
> How would you handle a client that doesn't want to pay for your services?
I will pull the plug on the whole country's government website, and
screwing that country.
> Unfortunately, the righteous owner of gov.mu pulled the plug and put the
> domain offline.
Righteous ? oh please.
> That was a bit clumsy, and should have been done already years ago. Latest
> when the case went in front of court.
> Honestly, it's my opinion that this distrust in the current .mu ccTLD
> management is surely encouraged by distribution of misleading information,
> particularly during the pre-election phase. And it's not limited to that
> phase as there has been an outcry or should I say a "hatred blame game"
> based on misguiding information by a registrar abroad begin of this year,
> too.
> I think that you're misleading people here.
> First, I'm not doing anything here other than asking others to read certain
> information correctly.
> Second, as stated it's my opinion. So take it or leave it.
I have decided that I, a Mauritian , should be giving my advice about
the .de to Germans. I won't bother reading about the analysis that
germans have done concerning problems with the .de management. I will
go straight down there, buy a .de domain, and tell all the germans
that there is no problem with .de.
> --
> Kind regards, Jochen
> Founder of Mauritius Software Craftsmanship Community
> http://www.meetup.com/MauritiusSoftwareCraftsmanshipCommunity/
This message is strictly personal and the opinions expressed do not
represent those of my employers, either past or present.
Received on Fri Mar 27 2015 - 10:06:59 PST