On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 9:29 AM, Ish Sookun <ish_at_hacklog.in> wrote:
> 2015-03-21 13:05 GMT+04:00 Loganaden Velvindron <loganaden_at_gmail.com>:
>> Same stand. We need employees who will need to explain themselves as
>> to how a backdoor was found.
> I asked your stand as you being the developer hired to code a plugin which
> ultimately turned out to be a backdoor. You took the example in a different
> direction.
I am not analysing this only from a developer point of view. I am
drawing from my experience leading projects in the African region.
> So, what willbe your stand if you're the one who'd put a backdoor there?
I would think twice before inserting a backdoor, as it would
negatively impact my reputation. That's a good way to kill my own
>> With a contractor, I cannot ask him to explain himself once the
>> contract is over.
> You can sue a contractor for having put any piece of software outside what
> was asked.
>> Sure, you can talk to SM about your ideas. However, at the end of the
>> day, we *need* a project owner to finalise the design, drive it, and
>> maintain it.
> You spent time writing almost a dozen of emails just to finally say I can
> talk to SM about my ideas while the original question SM asked me was if I
> would be willing to write a document for free and I expressed my terms. Look
> back and see what you did.
>> Yes, we can approach SM to be an employee.
> SM approached us for help to write a proposal. Instead of helping him first,
> shaould we go on making a drama of who should run what and being paid by
> whom? Is it really necessary at the moment.
>> We need to put a structure in place to support that employee. There
>> should be a non-profit organization to formalise and support the
>> process.
> Damn. Buddy, you took this email back to weeks ago on something which was
> already of the opinion of several people
> . Do you recall SM's asking the question if anybody would object to gov.mu
> being given for free to the Government?
> Did you understand who was giving the gov.mu domain to the Government of
> Mauritius?
>> The question now is who will fund this organization.
> Wasn't this discussed already on the ML ;-)
I would estimate it to be around Rs 6,36 million rupees to fund such
an organization at the beginning.
Annual salary (2 people at the beginning) : 1,92 million.
IT infrastructure: 3.6 million
Bandwidth: Rs 360,000 million.
Ebene lease: 480,000 million.
> Regards,
> Ish Sookun
> - Geek by birth, Linux by choice.
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> https://twitter.com/IshSookun ^^ Do you tweet?
This message is strictly personal and the opinions expressed do not
represent those of my employers, either past or present.
Received on Sat Mar 21 2015 - 09:52:36 PST