2015-03-20 23:46 GMT+04:00 S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com>:
> I am the .mu Select Committee Chair as well as the representative of this
> group. I assume that you know how a Select Committee works.
Yes, I know, that is why I offered my help clarifying it is for free in
return for credit to any idea/solution I share.
> What kind of due credit can I give me? I would insist that your name be
> listed if any of your ideas are included in a document. There isn't any
> money. I cannot ask for you to be paid or for your expenses to be
> reimbursed.
I don't ask for payment when I am helping :-)
I mentioned the payment for work, which I clarified as being "applications
setup" if ever I am sollicited for.
> If I recall correctly there isn't a detailed proposal.
Seriously. That breakdown isn't worth consideration without a proper
detailed roadmap.
> In my opinion it is very difficult to find other people who will be
> willing to work and only receive due credit instead of money in return for
> that work. The Select Committee is currently due to meet in person on 31
> March. That is also the deadline for the submission of the work of the
> Select Committee.
As mentioned, I am willing to help and I can meet up and discuss more
about the proposal. I shall share my ideas & you see if they can be
included. I could at the same time help you with drafting.
> As you mentioned, and I agree with you, the proposal depends on who else
> is working on it too. My concern is the amount of money which will be
> required for get everything running. I need to be able to justify the
> following by the end of this month:
> (a) The money all this will cost
> (b) The time it will take to complete the work
> (c) Whether I think that the project will be a success
> I am running out of time. I can ask for more time, e.g. two weeks. I
> cannot ask for more time than that as I do not think that the project will
> be a success it is delayed by several months.
We can meet up and discuss these. It will be lengthy over emails.
> There is a Rs 1,000,000 estimate for (one-time) consultancy.
I was referring to "human resources" in particular to clarify that the one
writing a proposal might not necessarily be the one running the server year
after year.
Ish Sookun
*- Geek by birth, Linux by choice.*
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Received on Fri Mar 20 2015 - 20:18:41 PST