On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 10:47 AM, kritesh sunghoon <
sodium238akadace_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am Sunghoon Kritesh, student of Applied Computing year 2 at UoM and
> recently I have been working on my first android application, Triolet Bus
> Schedule and ultimately published it.
> Link: Triolet Bus Schedule
> <https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.triolet.ace.tbs2&hl=en>
> It's free. Can you guys please check it and give me feedback on this
> application so that I know where I can improve.
First off: Well done, congratulations on your first app. I also commend you
for having the guts to put it out here and request for feedback.
*Overall Design*
The UI could do with some work. I think that you would have gotten a nicer
result if you had stuck with the Material theme.
*Find Schedule*
I think that a much better flow here would be to start with origin and
destination, and allow text search. However, I understand why you went with
the UI that you did. You probably didn't want to take the scanned images
and get all that data into a SQLite database. Too much data entry work
right? You'd rather be programming and learning Android development? ;-)
*Info About Routes*
I'm not a fan of the ExpandableListView. I think that it would be nicer if
tapping on a route opened up new detail activity showing the actual
information. The information is also displayed as scanned images :-( You
also forgot to disable clicking on the list item once it has been expanded.
*Future Improvement*
The obvious one would be to get all that data into a database. This opens
up more convenient end user UIs and also allows fulltext search. Apart from
that, a low hanging fruit would be to investigate SharedPreferences
save the user's last searched route so that you can initialise the *Find
Schedule* form for them when they go back to that activity.
At this stage of your Android development journey, it would be far more
valuable if you get people to do a code review for you rather than just
looking at the UI. If you want to put it up on GitHub, I'll take a look and
give you some pointers.
Well done though. It's a good start :-)
Received on Wed Mar 18 2015 - 08:32:19 PST