At 11:06 07-03-2015, Mohammad Nadim wrote:
>As of now, <http://gov.mu>gov.mu is a 2nd level domain (same as
><http://biz.mu>biz.mu or <http://com.mu>com.mu) - which means you
>buy <http://xyz.biz.mu>xyz.biz.mu or <http://abc.com.mu>abc.com.mu
>as well as <http://azerty.gov.mu>azerty.gov.mu. For
><http://gov.mu>gov.mu, 3rd level have been "sold" to the government
>(whether they have paid or not is a different issue).
>Government should be able to buy <http://gov.mu>gov.mu and control
>whatever sub-domains (3rd level) they want to have. Hence paying for
>1 domain only. But it will not hurt if given for free (1 domain
>only) and government controls <http://gov.mu>gov.mu and whatever
>sub-domains they may create. How the government manages
><http://gov.mu>gov.mu's sub-domains will be entirely their
>responsibility - the not-for-profit org ("The Trust") has to ensure
>that <http://gov.mu>gov.mu works, without bothering about the sub-domains.
Thanks for providing a clearer explanation about "gov.mu".
>I would also like .mu with added security (DNSSEC).
DNSSEC has been mentioned. .mu would have to be reliable before
DNSSEC can be implemented.
At 11:17 07-03-2015, chitz wrote:
>when can we expect "to getting something stable"?
>these are only words good to tell but how do you plan to proceed to
>achieve it at least if we can be briefed by the genuine parameters
>which you are considering
The target date to deliver a report about whether there is a .mu
problem is 31 March. It is two weeks of free work to get the select
committee organised and produce a report. It is not possible for me
to put in that much effort or do that much free work over several months.
After a meeting I send some notes to the mailing list. It is up to
the persons on the mailing list to complain if they see a
problem. At the moment I am working on delivering that report to the
Ministry. That report requires the agreement of the other members of
the select committee. It then has to get the agreement of the
Multistakeholder Forum or some larger group. That group is currently
not well-defined. At the moment you can expect that something stable
will take several years if there is agreement to do anything.
S. Moonesamy
Received on Sat Mar 07 2015 - 21:26:11 PST