Re: Blockchain in Mauritius

From: S Moonesamy <>
Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2017 08:01:16 -0700

Hi Suyash,
At 06:31 07-07-2017, Suyash Sumaroo wrote:
>The general consensus is that the blockchain technology is going to
>affect a lot of sectors, including the financial (mostly by
>crypto-currencies) and public sectors. Actually, there are plenty of
>businesses in Mauritius using blockchain. If any business is buying
>or checking bitcoin prices and transactions, then they are
>inevitably using blockchain. If you are referring to more specific
>blockchain-based systems like Ethereum, then maybe some businesses
>in the financial sector may already be using them without knowing.

It should be possible to verify that it is indeed the case that there
is a general consensus in Mauritius about Blockchain
technology. There was a news article about Bitcoin and Mauritius in
the Financial Times (
). I found an announcement from the Bank of Mauritius in which it
expressed a concern about the popularity of virtual currencies such
as Bitcoin [1]. There were also a few local news articles about the
technology and ransomware. I don't think that a technology would
convince businesses if those businesses don't even know that they are
using the technology.

>Concerning the need for blockchain, then I believe that blockchain
>introduces a very different way of doing things based on its
>trustless architecture. I believe that making use of this technology
>will only result in better and more transparent systems in Mauritius.

Facebook and WhatsApp could be used as examples of a different way of
doing things. As for trustless architecture, would a person put
his/her money in such schemes after reading the local news about
financial schemes?

S. Moonesamy

Received on Fri Jul 07 2017 - 15:06:53 PST

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