>Au ministère de la Technologie, on parle d'une saturation au niveau de la bande >passante et on dément qu'il s'agisse du virus. Pourtant au Registrar General >Department, des sources parlent de contamination du virus Wannacry.
[Speaking for myself]
Hello Patrice, I believe that they should write an official statement
before we draw any conclusion. So far, it's just rumours. A good way
for them would be to publish redacted network captures so that
independent people can confirm if it's wannacrypt0r or not.
Co-ordinated efforts are they key to stop of the spreading of any
Btw, There are 3 african countries known publicly to be affected by
wannacry: South Africa, Egypt & Nigeria.
Logan from hackers.mu.
Received on Mon May 15 2017 - 12:12:12 PST