Hi SM,
I am Emmanuel Calotte and usually goes by the alias Matt27 when i'm online.
I am currently a University of Mauritius student majoring in a science
I have no formal education in the IT sector but everything I know, I taught
myself. Perhaps that's why my friends call me a Geek. I'm a tech and web
enthusiast and i'm very passionate about Mauritius. I've had my fair share
of issues with the internet here and i'm still having issues...
Anyway, I've been following a lot of people from this mailing list on
twitter for a while now and yet I just found out about this mailing list.
So I figured I could learn and possibly contribute to it.
*Emmanuel Calotte*
*Geek **-* *Full Time*
https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnlyMatt27> <
*=If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.0=*
Received on Thu May 11 2017 - 09:02:14 PST