On 7/1/16 10:59 PM, S Moonesamy wrote:
> Hello,
> I read a news article in Defimedia about "probable pénurie d’adresses
> IP en 2016". In the news article, Mr Velvindron commented that: "Les
> opérateurs de télécommunications mauriciens ne sont pas préparés à
> passer à l’IPv6". According to the statistics from Akamai IPv6
> adoption in Mauritius is 0.0%.
[Speaking in my personal capacity]
Dear SM,
Indeed, it's disappointing to see that Mauritius is ranked 115 here:
> There is the following statement at
> http://www.ipv6forum.com/dl/presentations/Mauritius.pdf
> "The IPv6 Forum Mauritius has been created to extend to the Mauritius
> Internet community a strong voice and representation in the new
> Internet
> world to create momentum in deploying IPv6"
> The "Mauritius Internet community" has unfortunately not been
> contacted and it is currently not included in local IPv6 discussions.
I believe that there is room for improvement here as I strongly believe
that all multi-stakeholders should be involved for IPv6 to move forward
in our country.
> The web site of the University of Mauritius is IPv6-enabled. The web
> site of the University of Technology, Mauritius, is not IPv6-enabled.
> The web site of the Government of Mauritius is not IPv6-enabled.
IPv6 skills for networking students is very important. UoM teaches basic
of IPv6 to its students for its networking class. This is a step
forward. However, UoM does not provide ipv6 connectivity to its students
on the campus. Again, the tertiary sector can go further, as we now have
ipv6-only iot devices being deployed in "Smart" cities like Seville:
It is key for our economy that we have an IPv6 deployment strategy for
end-users everywhere for our businesses & IT professionals to have IPv6
> Is there anything being done in Mauritius in respect to IPv6 deployment?
> Regards,
> S. Moonesamy
Received on Sat Jul 02 2016 - 07:52:36 PST