Re: Council Reports for the year 2015

From: Jules Mike Giovanni <>
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2016 06:19:59 -0800

Hi Shane,

> With all due respect Jules, I find your post rude and entitled. I've
noticed a culture of complaining in this mailing list. Is that how the
group proposes to be an agent of change? It's not going to work if the
list operates in a spirit of negativity and confrontation.

I am only asking for answers to my questions. The ICT Advisory
Council is said to have specific responsibilities in regards to IT
services in Mauritius. They are entitled to advice the Minister in
the best interests of the users/consumers of these IT services. I
happen to be one of these users/consumers/subscribers to some of
these IT services. I find it only logical to question the ICT
Advisory Council, through the proper channel, to ensure that my
interest is being considered, at least.

Did you instead expect me to sit down and be happy with whatever I'm
presented with? We are all entitled to our own opinions and take(s) on
matters. If I have questions, I will ask the related person or
organisation. If there is a lack of transparency, I'll request a reason
for that. If that is what you qualify as rude or entitled, then I can
but only refer to it as a result of your own opinions and take(s) on the
matter at hand.

Regards, Mike

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