Dear Mr Mungly,
On 10/26/2015 04:24 PM, APC ADVERTISING - Marketing wrote:
> Follow the link below, you will find most of the Mauritian companies.
> *
> *
The above mentioned website do not list my email address neither has any
reference to openSUSE. It is unlikely that you got my email address from
the "Mauritius Email Listing" database. The link you mentioned is a
database of Mauritius Businesses as per the website.
I re-iterate on my initial question, I did not subscribe to your
"newsletter", how did you get my email address?
> On 10/26/2015 11:24 AM, APC ADVERTISING - Marketing wrote:
> Your email address address is in the Mauritius Email Listing
> database,
> anyway we are removing it from our database.
Sine the time you said you are "removing" my email address from your
database I received three more unsolicited emails (over the past week).
Ish Sookun
- Geek by birth, Linux by choice
- I blog at ^^ Do you tweet?
Received on Thu Nov 05 2015 - 15:21:30 PST