Re: Internet related questions to be asked in the National Assembly

From: S Moonesamy <>
Date: Thu, 05 Nov 2015 01:23:00 -0800

Hi Ish,
At 00:19 05-11-2015, Ish Sookun wrote:
>So, when it comes to internet the Minister compares Mauritius to
>Africa, while in other "tender generating" businesses, they aim to
>be the next Singapore or Dubai.


>The Rs 499 package of Mauritius Telecom says 512K with 128K upload.
>Does the Minister accept 128K upload as high-speed internet? What
>should I upload with that? Banana?

There wasn't any parliamentary question about the upload speed. I
doubt that you can upload much at that inferior speed unless you are
prepared to wait for the upload to complete.

>Is this not a repetition of the above? Did Mauritius Telecom
>*introduce* a new package of 512K at Rs 499 or there has been a
>price decrease of Rs 699 to Rs 499?

Yes. There was a price decrease from Rs 699 to Rs 499 instead of a
new package being introduced.

>I am forced to think that Ministers just read anything & everything
>that their *technicians* provide them as answers, without putting
>some maths into an understanding.


>Mauritius Telecom is upgrading its network infrastructure and
>migration should be free. Is the Mauritius Telecom doing a favor by
>not charging for "La Fibre" migration?

I don't consider that it is a favor.

>Fibre is being deployed to replace the aging copper wires. I would
>not expect a charging fee of the current line I am subscribed to.
>Mauritius Telecom marketing folks are wise with their words and
>politicians gladly fall in that pit ^^

In my opinion, we should not lose sight of the fact that Mauritius
Telecom would have to replace the copper wires with FTTH if it wants
to remain competitive.

S. Moonesamy
Received on Thu Nov 05 2015 - 09:28:50 PST

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