Hello SM,
On 10/27/2015 01:55 PM, S Moonesamy wrote:
> I'll propose the following for the association.
> 1. The objective of the association is to promote the development of
> the internet in Mauritius.
> 2. Membership is open to anyone in Mauritius over the age of 18.
> 3. The membership will elect five of its members on the executive
> committee.
> 4. The executive committee will have a President, Secretary, a
> Treasurer and
> two executive members.
> 5. The association shall operate in a transparent manner.
I find the above proposals okay. The last point reflects how we operate.
> (a) Will the association be representing companies in Mauritius or
> internet users
> in Mauritius?
I would say, the association represents internet users. Companies have
other associations that represent them in various ways. They just have
to have a membership there. However, if a company wishes to promote the
development of internet in Mauritius, sure, they can sponsor our
activities. No endorsement should be expected in return though.
> (b) How will we prevent a few persons from taking control of the
> association
> to further their financial interests?
People should merit recognition based on their contribution towards the
association. Contributions would mean work in the advancement of
internet in Mauritius, not their personal gains. I suggest that any
conflict of interest should be brought forward prior to engagement in
Ish Sookun
Received on Tue Oct 27 2015 - 10:28:50 PST