Hi Shelly,
At 10:15 26-10-2015, Shelly Hermia Bhujun wrote:
>Thank you for the links SM. It is disappointing to know that the
>Wikipedia article is still outdated- I guess it is because Mauritius
>is so focused on the progress of the country that we forgot updating
>the basic information about the Internet in Mauritius. Why don't you
>update this Wikipedia article if you have the information SM?
There might be a conflict of interest if I were to update the article.
>Wikipedia records states that there were 'Internet Service Providers
>(ISPs): 4 (2008)' When we now have 19 registered ISPs licences.
>(https://www.icta.mu/telecommunications/licences.htm). Most people
>only know two ISPs and they are Orange and Emtel. How come we don't
>know about the other 17 ISPs ? How does a company get a license to
>become an ISP? Can an ISP provide Internet access to its employees only?
Most people do not know the other ISPs as those ISPs do not advertise
the services they are selling. A company can get an ISP license by
sending an application to the ICTA and paying Rs 50,000. In my
opinion, an ISP cannot refuse to provide internet access to a person
who is not its employee as the license is to sell internet access to
the public.
S. Moonesamy
Received on Mon Oct 26 2015 - 18:36:49 PST