Hello Nadim,
Just a small comment - 100Mbps local access internet is very interesting
for me.
I think for local businesses, this can be a big boost. For instance,
instead of hosting applications in servers found outside Mauritius, these
web applications could be hosted in Mauritius and provide much better
service. Of course, there will be other factors to consider such as server
cost, etc (which by the way is up to 3 times more expensive in Mauritius),
but overall this could open up a lot of possibilities for local web
entrepreneurs to setup platforms for the Mauritian market.
On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 9:59 PM, Mohammad Nadim <nadim.attari_at_gmail.com>
> Hello SM, Mike,
> On 25 October 2015 at 21:40, S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com> wrote:
>> Hi Nadim, Irshaad,
>> At 10:11 25-10-2015, Mohammad Nadim wrote:
>>> What has 100 Mpbs local access to the internet has to do with being
>>> connected to SAFE cable?
>> There isn't any relation. I mentioned it the SAFE cable for the FTTH
>> comparison between Mauritius and Reunion island.
> _at_SM: Since there is no relation, then what is preventing us from getting
> 10% of the possible capacity. I'm only getting 1% :-( Politics? Business?
> _at_Mike: What can be done with a 100Mbps local access internet, especially
> for the gaming community?
> Regards,
> Nadim Attari
Thanks & Regards,
*Suyash Sumaroo | Director*
Ebene Accelerator, Ebene *|* Tel: (+230) 54912170
Email: suyash_at_codevigor.com *|* Web: <http://goog_2022637622/>
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