Hi SM,
Thank you for sharing the link. I tried the diagnostic and got the
following result :
[image: Inline images 1]
I think the latency is very bad. I am currently using Emtel Airbox.
Thanks and Regards,
*RAMGOLAM Sandeep*
*Front-end Developer - Designer - Web Enthusiast - Gamer**Website :*
barfii.net <
On 17 October 2015 at 20:06, S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com> wrote:
> Hi Sandeep, Yusuf,
> Several months ago, you discussed about your facebook being slow. I
> suggest trying
> http://www.elandsys.com/~sm/www-facebook-com-diagnostics.png
> Regards,
> S. Moonesamy
Received on Sat Oct 17 2015 - 19:58:12 PST