Re: Nginx virtual host configuration

From: Ish Sookun <>
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2015 10:06:40 +0400

Hello Yuv,

On 2015-09-29 00:03, Yuv Joodhisty wrote:
> It seems there is an error in your javascript.

Thank you for the observation. I will investigate that part. Some of the
JavaScript that I could not specify to load asynchronusly, I've put them
at the end of the page. There are some parts of the theme which I do not
touch, I prefer my fellow developer friend, Nirvan, to mingle with it.

> I've never used nginx before and im wondering if this is a behaviour
> about nginx because i came across some websites running on nginx who
> had similar loading phases. Or maybe it's probably just blocking
> scripts.

It's not unique to sites running Nginx. You might notice that on pages
that have minified HTML. The past few days I've been testing some tricks
on the blog :) So, bear with me a little. I will blog about my findings
in the coming days.

> Also i would like to point out something about the blog.
> On [3], it's
> mainly text and links and a widget to comment and nothing more complex
> in my opinion.

The page loads external JavaScripts (from Google, Disqus and Alexa)
which I do not control. They contribute to the load time. I am working
on those though, as and when I am free, in order to find ways to reduce
the page load time.


Ish Sookun
Received on Tue Sep 29 2015 - 06:06:48 PST

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