US Government open sourced UI & Visual Style components

From: Ish Sookun <>
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2015 09:40:27 +0400

Hi all,

The US Government open sourced [1] its UI & Visual Style components so
as to set a standard in making beautiful websites for the American
people. I wish I could say the same for ours. Open Source advocates and
enthusiasts have been pushing forward the adoption of Open Standards in
Mauritius, but somehow I feel our government agencies are reluctant with
the word "open".

A very recent example of bad web design is the Infotech website which
apart from being a nostalgic design (of the 90's), a particular webpage
[2] shows very poor standards.

- Use of tables with borders (in 2015)
- Text capitalization
- Nomenclature (e.g. background="img2012/mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.png")
- Weird page title
- Copy & paste "tbc" on a page destined for the web

I'd sum up to say this webpage has everything to show poor standards of
web design. Now, that the Infotech event is in just a few days and the
web address is on billboards around the island, I let you imagine the
comments that flow within the developers community.



Ish Sookun
Received on Tue Sep 29 2015 - 05:40:37 PST

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