Hi All;
Yes I confirm that the card is currently being used only for visual identity confirmation. My question; was the Reader included in the costs of the project ALREADY paid by the government? If yes, how come the reader are nowhere to be found till now? If no, I do not remember anywhere where it is mentioned there's another phase to the project; that of implementing the reader for identity verification.
And as SM mentionned in the Weekly Skype Meeting, is there any specification for that reader - technical documentation ? Even for the card itself..
M Irshaad Abdoolwww.irshaad.me | www.blog.irshaad.mefacebook.com/abdoolirshaad
> Subject: Re: Biometric ID Card
> To: sm+mu_at_elandsys.com; irshaad_abd_at_hotmail.com; shelly.bhujun_at_umail.uom.ac.mu; mauritius-internet-users_at_lists.elandnews.com
> From: ish.sookun_at_lsldigital.mu
> Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2015 20:39:57 +0400
> Hi SM,
> On 09/08/2015 08:13 PM, S Moonesamy wrote:
> >
> > From what I have seen the ID card is currently used for visual
> > identification only.
> >
> Yes. Until now even the new ID Card is used for just visual
> verification. I haven't seen the fingerprint/ID Card reader yet. You'll
> ask me other questions, I'll again reply there is a lack of transparency.
> >
> > There is some information at
> > http://pmo.govmu.org/English/Documents/Cabinet%20Decisions%202015/Amended%20Cabinet%20decisions%20-4%20September%202015.pdf
> >
> Thank you for the link. A government official once told me not
> everything that is decided by the cabinet actually sees light. I usually
> wait for an official communiqué destined for the public. I was hoping to
> see a communiqué at
> http://www.govmu.org/English/News/Pages/default.aspx?NewsD=ICT
> >
> > It sounds like the ICT Advisory Council "consists of a handle attached
> > to a piece of carved rubber and that is dipped in ink and then pressed
> > on paper to print a date, name, symbol, etc". :-)
> >
> I like your sense of humour and there is truth in it :)
> If people do not question and ask for information, nothing will change,
> as the being or non-being of the council does not affect decisions.
> Regards,
> --
> Ish Sookun
Received on Tue Sep 08 2015 - 17:06:15 PST