Connection box broken on pole

From: Ish Sookun <>
Date: Wed, 02 Sep 2015 11:43:45 +0400

Dear Sir/Madam,

An unknown lorry drove by the Mauritius Telecom pole that connects my
home line and broke the connection box. The box is hanging on the pole
like a "pawpaw" but luckily the wires are still connected. The box can
however fall at any moment due to strong winds and I will be deprived of
a telephone line and internet.

This is the second time I am reporting such an incident, previously
being a beverages lorry that was identified. When the technicians came
to fix, we told them to move the connection box higher to avoid such
incidents in the future. It was not done.

Could you please register this as a complaint and fix the connection box
as soon as possible?
Phone number: 4358051


Ish Sookun
Received on Wed Sep 02 2015 - 07:43:54 PST

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