Re: Biometric ID Card

From: Ish Sookun <>
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2015 19:48:21 +0400

Hi Shelly,

On 08/22/2015 08:38 PM, SHELLY HERMIA BHUJUN wrote:
>> I wonder if they did not highlight 'getting foreign experts to Mauritius in order to solve those biometric data issue' just to show off- >comme d'habitude.This attitude can also prove that they would rather rely on foreign
> experts than investing in local experts ->anyway, who confirmed that we
> did not have any local experts ready to help out?

I haven't come across any article or document that mention of a survey
done to confirm whether the project could be set up locally. Sadly, the
people of the Cyber Island or rather Smart Island have to rely on
foreigners for an identity card.

>>How can they make the process as transparent as possible?
>> Are they going to record the whole procedure?

I read the following line on [1] today:

        "Un comité a été mis sur pied pour superviser cette opération."

I cannot say whether that « comité » is an independent body or a team of
government officials who themselves did not have the knowledge to build
such a system.

I could go on and say the project would have cost us cheaper if we
brought an ICT Minister from Singapore, as the latter would have
invested in training local resources most probably, but I refrain as
that could hurt the sentiments of some people. Sarcasm isn't appreciated
by people who sit in air-conditioned offices.

A journalist called me today to ask my opinion about the destruction of
the biometric data that started today. I answered if it's the same
people who set up the system & were proponent of the Biometric ID card
that come and say they have deleted the data, I cannot trust them. These
people nearly *compelled* Mauritians to submit their biometric data.
They are no more credible to say the contrary now.



Ish Sookun
Received on Mon Aug 24 2015 - 15:48:41 PST

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