Hello S.M,
>Your email address shows up
as "outlook.com".
Yes, the email _at_jcplaboratory.org is an alias. The new Outlook app for android is giving me a headache. I'm unable to change reply-to aliases.
> Will the IPR work belong to the
Open University of Mauritius, the
> company you are working for or
someoyne else?
I have mentioned (directly or indirectly) that I haven't received any OU assigned email address. The other one is given by the company I work for.
However, I fail to see how these information is/will be useful to you.
P.S: Just in case it's not clear, www.jcplaboratory.org belongs to me.
Cédric Poottaren
Software developer
On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 7:55 AM -0700, "S Moonesamy" <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com> wrote:
Hi Cedric,
At 08:08 08-07-2015, cedricpoottaren_at_outlook.com wrote:
>I do agree. However, being myself an ODL student at the Open
>University of Mauritius since the beginning of this year, I haven't
>received an _at_open.ac.mu email address yet despite we have been
>promised so during the induction.
>I even emailed them about the matter. I think huh.. two months ago
>and guess what? NO REPLY!
Your email address shows up as "outlook.com".
Will the IPR work belong to the Open University of Mauritius, the
company you are working for or someone else?
S. Moonesamy
Received on Thu Jul 09 2015 - 16:25:53 PST