On Sat, Jul 4, 2015 at 1:52 PM, S Moonesamy <sm+mu_at_elandsys.com> wrote:
> Hi Logan,
> My usage of English is sometimes adapted to fit the local context. Please
> ask questions if there is any doubt about what I wrote.
> As a representative of the Mauritius Internet Users I have to "defend" the
> integrity of the group in meetings I attend when allegations are made. You
> participated in a meeting recently and you are aware of what was said. You
> did not reply to a question which I asked you on 3 July [1].
I am confused myself. I told was that I would be sent as a rep for th
ICT Advisory Council, but then, i saw that they listed me as
"Mauritius Internet Users".
> I understand that you may have some difficulty doing a disclosure as it is
> not something which we usually do in Mauritius. Are there any public or
> private interests which might have to disclose?
> Regards,
> S. Moonesamy
> 1.
> http://lists.elandnews.com/archive/mauritius/internet-users/2015/07/2761.html
Received on Sat Jul 04 2015 - 14:27:59 PST