Hi Ish,
Thank you for your valuable feedback :).
Yes I have totally missed the thread. May be the result of a tiresome day. Sorry.
Yes you are right, the cost for the staff reminds constant in either situation but still there's no fees related to website hosting and maintenance. This is why a thought "cheaper" would be a better word than "free". :) How would you rephrase it?
Now that I am reading it again on my phone, I am able to find other grammatical mistakes as well. Oh my brain.
Thanks again Ish.
P.S: Do you think if I correct the mistakes first thing tomorrow would be considered as unprofessional?
Cédric Poottaren
Software developer
--- Original Message ---
From: "Ish Sookun" <ish_at_hacklog.in>
Sent: June 22, 2015 7:16 PM
To: "Cédric Poottaren" <cedric_at_jcplaboratory.org>
Cc: "Mauritius Internet Users Mailing List" <mauritius-internet-users_at_lists.elandnews.com>
Subject: Re: When domains redirect you to a facebook page
Hello Cédric,
You replied in the wrong thread earlier.
On 06/22/2015 06:19 PM, Cédric Poottaren wrote:
> Just wrote an article about marketing products through a facebook
page and website.
It should be *discussion* and not *discussing* in the first paragraph.
I quote from your article:
"The primary reasons are because: it is cheaper, it allows you to stay
in touch with your customers/clients anytime making it a much more
seamless communication between the parties involved and it eliminates
the costs required for maintaining a website, renewal of domain name etc."
Maintaining a Facebook page does not totally come for *free* if you hire
someone to answer queries and post regular updates. The same person
could have posted news updates on a website (with appropriate training)
and replied emails. Am I correct? You said cheaper, not free though :-)
Ish Sookun
- Geek by birth, Linux by choice.
- I blog at HACKLOG.in.
https://twitter.com/IshSookun ^^ Do you tweet?
Received on Mon Jun 22 2015 - 16:03:42 PST