Hello Yuv,
Thank you for your clear and detailed response.I appreciate it. :)
Cédric PoottarenSoftware Developer
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2015 22:05:03 +0400
Subject: Re: Is the Internet getting slower?
From: locustv2_at_gmail.com
To: loganaden_at_gmail.com
CC: cedric_at_jcplaboratory.org; mauritius-internet-users_at_lists.elandnews.com
Hey guys,
Well, i don't think we can say "the whole Internet is getting slower due to websites containing more and more imagery, videos and other medias." because Website x cannot affect the loading time of Website y.
I do agree with the fact that most developers are focusing more on the responsiveness of their websites as well as adding widgets/components to enhance the user experience. But in absolutely no way, a website's loading time should be affected by this. I'd blame the developers who actually focus more on the UI and components of their website rather than their code base as well as not adopting "best practices". And this applies to both frontend and backend developers.
Let's take an example on the
http://eruption.mu/ website.
If you press F12 and go to the "Resources" tab and open the "Frames" folder followed by "(eruption.mu/)" and "Scripts", you will get a list of all javascript files that is being used on this page.
The amount that is being loaded here is indeed "a lot" which means your browser will make a request to download every single resource present here which of course affect the loading time. But the loading time can be improved if the resources which are not needed, onload, are loaded asynchronously by placing them at the bottom of their body tag. But if you view the source of eruption.mu all of the assets are being loaded in the "head" tag.
The above is one of the many ways to improve the speed of websites, on a frontend side. In addition to that, they could minify and combine their js into one or multiple bigger js file which would require fewer request to the server to download files.This can be applied to images by combining multiple images in 1 .png file and then use css to clip the images.
And on a backend side of development, developers should adopt "best practices" such as reusing of objects, using single quotes vs double quotes as far as possible, breaking out of loops when their statement are met and much more.
So to reply your questions:1) To what extent do you think this is true and what can web developers to to make websites less complex?- I think i made my point above.
2) What can be done by ISPs both locally and international about it?
- I don't think the ISP can do anything about this. There are no relation about them and the websites you browse. They only offer you a package which you agree to pay for.
These are my personal opinion and i may be wrong about my points. Do correct me if you feel i made mistakes.
I will try to comment a bit about Loganaden's response on "google and facebook" later.
On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 7:46 PM, Loganaden Velvindron <loganaden_at_gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 3:23 PM, Cédric Poottaren
Received on Fri Jun 19 2015 - 10:47:59 PST