RE: Notes of meeting of the Multistakeholder Forum

From: Jean-Philippe Caussin de Perceval <>
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 2015 19:54:11 +0400

Concernant SM,

Il faut reconnaitre qu'il fait un travail admirable avec Ish, dans la
représentation MIU.

Il faut penser qu'il le fait de façon bénévole et active!
C'est du temps et de la passion pure qu'Internet change ou plutôt évolue
dans le bon sens.
L'objectif c'est que le MIU évolue aussi et gagne en expérience.
Cela nous donnera de la notoriété et une bonne image de cette nouvelle
organisation lorsqu'on passera de l'ombre à la lumière ( se faire
reconnaitre officiellement en tant qu'Association, "dans un cadre légale" et
par les médias "le public").
Je suis encore désolé de n'avoir pas pu vous accompagner vendredi.
Mais la prochaine fois, j'espère sera la bonne!

Bon week end!


-----Message d'origine-----
De :
[] De la part de S
Envoyé : samedi 13 juin 2015 19:13
À : Mohammad Nadim; Ish Sookun;
Objet : Re: Notes of meeting of the Multistakeholder Forum

Hi Nadim,
At 02:53 13-06-2015, Mohammad Nadim wrote:
>Why are you not operating in a transparent manner then? I have asked
>you about the discussions in the meeting and I have not been given a
>satisfactory answer.

I have been informed that operating in a transparent manner is incompatible
with the procedures of other groups, e.g. government, private sector,
academia. I explained that it is a requirement of the Mauritius Internet
Users. I was informed that I was sharing information on Facebook. I
replied that I am not on Facebook and that I have never shared any
information on Facebook. I added that it is not possible for me to stop
other persons from sharing information.

>I insist to know what happened at the Multi-stakeholder forum yesterday
>(Friday 12 June 2015) as a member of MIU who has been contributing on
>the discussions on .mu, I believe it is unfair that common internet
>users like me are being kept in the dark about something that concerns
>us. Internet is no longer a luxury, it is utility which we use

What happened is that rational arguments does not have any value in
Mauritius. It seems that ideas such as concepts or principles do not even
exist in Mauritius. It is not possible to discuss about those ideas as it
may be considered as too innovative.

The utility or luxury which the common internet users use everyday is
Facebook. I do not use that thing.

>How can I be sure that Ish or you did not sell us out (eski zot inn
>vann nous)? We entrusted you both to represent us and report back on
>what was discussed in the meeting. Instead of reporting back, you
>accepted what the government officers dictated to you.

There is an assumption that you have to blindly trust me as I am
representing you and the other persons on this mailing list. There is an
assumption that I can decide about everything on your behalf. There is an
assumption that you will blindly accept everything I say as the truth
without verifying what I said. There isn't any way currently for you to be
sure that I did not sell you out.

S. Moonesamy
Received on Sat Jun 13 2015 - 15:54:32 PST

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