Re: Open Government Data - World Bank Readiness Assessment

From: Daniel Laeng <>
Date: Fri, 05 Jun 2015 01:35:04 +0400


Upon realising that I didn't really have the answer to your (good!)
questions, I googled it.

I think everything you want to know can be found here:

Here's my take on it:

> 1. Why are we calling this a "Readiness Assessment"?
Because that's what the World Bank calls it. The world bank will be
assessing how ready Mauritius is to establish an Open Data program. They
will write (and publish?) a report analysing what Mauritius needs to do
have a successful program. Lots of things get taken into consideration,
you can read all about it here:
(38 pages).

Here my brief summary of what they test for:

*1. Leadership* - does the government have the desire to support Open Data
*2.* *Policy / Legal Framework* - Are there legal mechanisms which allow
government agencies to release data
*3.* *Institutional Preparedness* - Are government departments willing
and able to release data
*4. Government Data Availability* - Does the government have useful data
in a useful format
*5.* *Demand for Open Data* - Is there public/business demand for this
data. Is there any point in publishing it.
*6. **Civic Engagement & Capabilities for Open Data* - Do government
agencies actually listen/engage with the community on this kind of thing
*7. Funding an Open Data Program* - Is there any money dedicated to the
Open data program
*8. National Technology & Skills Infrastructure* - Does the IT
infrastructure exist for the data to be meaningfully published

The main point we can hope to influence is number 5.

> 2a. I believe the World Bank will publish a report concerning Open
> Data in Mauritius. Where will it be published?

Hopefully it will be published on World Bank website:, but this is probably
a question worth asking. You can see the reports for a few other
countries on there.

> 2b. What impact will this report have?
I don't know. My feeling is that the report will show that Mauritius is
not particularly ready for Open Data. I didn't read through the tests
in detail, but at a glance, I think most of those 8 tests above will not
yield an overly positive result. Maybe this will motivate the
Government to improve, or maybe not.



Daniel Laeng
Software Developer
+230 5775 1037
Received on Thu Jun 04 2015 - 21:35:23 PST

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